Filmforum Ludwig Ticketshop

THE DOOR OF RETURN, a call & response between 2020 and 2440, is told from the perspective of eight Black women united by their tireless and unending struggle against racism.
Afrofuturism provides both a powerful framework and the tools necessary to confront the legacy of racism and imagine a transformative future. It inspires creativity and activism, challenges dominant narratives and creates new realities. Afrofuturism thus contributes to the broader struggle for justice and equality and enables Black identities and histories that have been marginalised or erased by colonialism and systemic racism to be reclaimed and reinvented beyond the dominant power structures.
Followed by an interactive discussion with Prof. Dr. Natasha A. Kelly & Kokutekeleza Musebeni. Moderated by Gina Hitsch
THE DOOR OF RETURN Direction: Kokutekeleza Musebeni, , OmeU, 30 min

Prof Dr Natasha A. Kelly, born in 1973, is a visiting professor at the Berlin University of the Arts, author and editor, curator and visual artist. She works at the interface between science and art and questions Eurocentric concepts of knowledge, power and the body from a Black feminist, decolonial perspective. Her central concern is to strengthen Black perspectives in science and art; she is currently playing a leading role in the founding of an independent institute for Black German art, culture and its sciences. At this year's Africa Film Festival Cologne, she is offering dialogue workshops for young people.

Kokutekeleza Musebeni is a journalist, singer, presenter and filmmaker. Since 2014, she has been a presenter for the radio station Puls from Bayerischer Rundfunk. She also presents the BR formats Workin Germany and So geht Medien. In addition to her work as a presenter, Musebeni is also a radio writer for Bayern 2. She won the Willi Bleicher Award and the Coburg Media Award in 2020 for her Zündfunk radio feature Afroshops: Hair, Skin and Black German Entrepreneurship. Her Bayerischer Rundfunk documentary White Fragility: Why White People So Easily Overlook Racism was nominated for the CIVIS Media Prize in 2021. Her short film THE DOOR OF RETURN, a futuristic hybrid between documentary and science fiction, was released in 2021.