Schulvorstellungen im Jugendzentrum Northside / Chorweiler - DIE ARIER
Jugendzentrum Northside Ticketshop

R: Mo Asumang; Deutschland 2014; OF deutsch; DCP; 45 min.
Director Mo Asumang embarks on a personal journey attempting to figure out what is behind the idea of a ‘master race‘. She meets pseudo-Aryans at Nazi demonstrations, travels to meet the true Aryans of Iran, and meets with the notoriously racist Ku Klux Klan in the United States. The documentary DIE ARIER is a tour de force, peering insightfully into the abyss of racism.
“Every racist can be checkmated relatively quickly if you don’t meet him with counter-hatred. That takes away any possibility that his image of the enemy can remain.” (Mo Asumang) With her disarmingly open manner, Mo Asumang manages a deeper look into the dimensions of racism.
With director Mo Asumang in attendance

Mo Asumang became Germany's first Afro-German television presenter in 1996. She has worked as a director, lecturer, best-selling author and actress. With her film DIE ARIER (2015), she travels to schools and universities around the world to promote integration and tackle racism from a fresh perspective. She was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for her commitment to combating right-wing extremism and xenophobia. With their association Mo:Lab e.V., Mo Asumang and Frank Labitzke (conflict mediator and coach) want to act against divisions in society and offer one-day workshops "Ambassadors of Dialogue" to combat discrimination through dialogue.